Here we have the top scores and most badass players of our last takeover from Decentral Games.

02 Feb 2023, 16:17
💙 Here we have the top scores and most badass players of our last takeover from Decentral Games 🧊 🔥 The DG team surprised us this morning with the good news that they will be giving a second chance to send the G-Bot x Ice for those that didn’t have their wallets paired with WalletConnect. (Pair it now because maybe the next partner won’t be so nice). So this is the flow, if you are missing the Ice Poker G-bot skin, go in the file below and look for your UserID - if it’s there please dm a moderator and start with ‘Wallet Submission DG Event’ + Your UserID + Your wallet. Congrats everyone that participated! 💞 ❄️